Monday, March 8, 2010

Turkey Banquet

Another NWTF banquet has come and gone. Kaci loved the wild turkey she was completely entertained by it most of the night. Zeak was the only lucky one in our family this year to win anything. He is usually the unlucky one. Jake got skunked but had a great time hanging out with Heber who was the lucky guy this year. He won the kids drawing for the youth Turkey Tag. He was so excited! Jake and him did get to bid against each other on the pink cricket thank heavens for both the Woodland and Snell budgets we were out bid by someone else. Dan was the MC again. If construction ever gets bad enough I think he could probably find a career in communication, He loves It! He is planning on being the MC for 2 other banquets this year. Even though I can think of other things that would be more exciting I am learning that sacrificing a night to support and enjoy something Dan really likes is a huge benefit to me down the rode. He is a lot more willing to support me in the things I love to do.


Unknown said...

Does the Woodland family ever have a weekend off. Looks like you had a fun packed weekend again. Thanks for sharing it with me. Aunt Susan

Tina Williams said...

FYI -- I'm not jealous of your attendance at this event. Good cause and all but when you've been to one you've been to them all.