Monday, March 29, 2010

Arrow of Light

Walking over the bridge from cub scouts, to Scout.
Andy was kind and came to shoot for Zeak and Sam's Arrow of Light. They put up colored balloons and in one shot Andy pops all of the balloons. This was really fun then Andy let each of the boys shoot his bow. Zeak did really well for not shooting very much. This brought on the competition and Taylei came to out do him. Someday they are going to use that competition to their advantages.
His biggest Fans his mom and dad who were proud of him!
Zeak's Fan club, Grandpa & ma Woodland, Grandma Barnhurst, Clay Brenda Cort, Grandpa & Ma Sperry, Andy Tina Taylei Keanna Kyler Aysen.

I think Zeak is so excited to be moving on to scouts. He has gone to scouts for years with his dad and to actually be official is really special to him. It is hard to believe he is old enough to go into scouts. It almost makes me cry just thinking about it. I remember when he was a toddler and would go to the Tuesday night activities with Dan. Before long he was old enough to attend some camp outs. Now he is old enough to be in uniform. I am so glad he earned theses awards and even though for him it was more of a social event to attend scouts I know that he learned things that will help him throughout his life.


Woodlands said...

Way to go Zeak. We are proud of you!s

Tina Williams said...

Congrats Zeak! Thanks for letting us be there. I'm not ready for you or Taylei to grow up but since it is much better than the alternative keep growing! You will do great in scouts - remember to do a good turn daily and you will bless the lives of others while you bless yourself!