Sunday, March 21, 2010


March 14, 2010
So Sunday night was Madison's Birthday and she was so nice to share it with me. We went to Byron and Susan's for our usual family dinner! As I look at this picture part of me wishes I was still that little cute innocent girl that Madison is. I picked shrimp and Madison picked fruitsalad for our favorite part of the meal. Thanks Madison for sharing your BIRTHday with me. In Dan's family Kathryn's Birthday is the 12th Madison the 14th and Mine is the 16th. In my family Cody is the 3rd Brenda the 5th and then Mine so it is one fun month of celebrating.
March 16, 2010
Tuesday my mom came and spent the day with me. She was willing to spend the day doing what ever I wanted. If you will remember back to an earlier post my goal this year is to become organized. I asked my mom to help me clean out my office. We took Kaci to dance and then came home and started working on it. I did have lots of interuptions so we didn't get as far as I wanted but we did get a little done. My mom and dad made me dinner and she brought it up with her. Another one of my favorite meals is marinated chicken and funeral potatoes. Once of my favorite desserts is a cake with fruit and pudding frosting. While I was cooking my meal and getting it ready Dan said to me, "I didn't mean for you to make your own birthday dinner I thought I was taking you out tomorrow night." Lucky for him I was in a good mood and just laughed asking him, "what did you want us to do starve until tomorrow?" I explained that I didn't have to make it I just had to cook it there was a difference. Zeak on Sunday let me know that I really did pick a bad day to have my birthday. He was sorry but him and Dad were busy with scouts and they couldn't change their plans for me. I told him I would remember that next year. I did go and help Teresa with some unfinished rodeo business and had a treat at Brenda's house after. I had several phone calls, facebook wishes, and my good friends stopped by. How funny they know me so well. Tina brought me some planting and gardening supplies. Ange brought me some balloons and flowers to plant, Dan gave me a rose with a card saying he will build me a new kitchen table, Byron and Susan gave me gift certificates to help me decorate and finish my house. Brenda brought me a gift card as well! I truly know I am loved and appreciated. I am to a point that the gifts don't matter as much as the thought and the people giving them, for it is those people who bring so much joy and happiness in my Life!
March 17, 2010
The Best birthday gift I recieve this year was something that I can not put into words. So I am not going to try but I did want a picture and to say Thank You Jeanna for asking me to be your escort at the temple. It was an experience that I will treasure for eternity. I
(My kids had a great time at Grandma Lous St Patericks party hopefully Tina will post about soon!) And the icing on the cake was I came home to a clean house. Ange knows how much I struggle and is always helping her friends. So she arranged with Dan to take the kids and come and help me out in my cleaning and organizing while I was at the temple. Then we would come home and have brownies and icecream. The bad but good new is, I had no idea and made arrangements for the kids to go to Grandma Lous and then it was way to late to have brownies and icecream. Although I ruined some of the surprise without even knowing Ange it was awesome to come home to a sparkling house. Thanks so much for sharing your talent with me!
Last but not least for my BIRTHWEEK as I like to tease Dan that I get. Dan took all of the kids to work on Friday and I had all day and all night to myself. I was able to finish projects and relax with no intereuptions. It was a great week and even though I have no desire to get older I have to say this was a sweet birthday! Thanks Everyone for letting me have so many blessings in my life.


1 comment:

Tina Williams said...

Happy Birthweek! Glad you enjoyed it old lady! Let's get something growing in the dirt so we can enjoy the fruits of our labors!