Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas Morning

So what did I Dan and I get for christmas. Everything we ever wanted and more. . . I ended up going home Saturday morning only to find out I had strep throat I am waiting for my Brother-in-law to call and thank me for his belated Christmas gift but so far haven't heard from him. I spent the rest of the holidays in bed wishing that 2010 would hurry up so I could feel better. I missed two more Christmas parties. But all is well and we are finally all healthy again at our house.
The girls of the house spent the afternoon making watches while the boys went shooting. It was a fun afternoon had by all except my sister Brenda. She is so funny when we do crafts. Everything has to be exact in her world and when it isn't she has hard time. The key to watches it to have a little variety so all of the bulk isn't in the same area. She couldn't handle it. Finally she got hers done and we dismissed her from doing anymore crafts she has to go hunting with the boys next time.
Cody and Kaci were really close before he left and they call each other snickerdoodle. She loved talking to her snickerdoodle. No one seemed to mind that we took a small break from gifts and opening presents to talk to Cody. In fact I think we need an intermission every year. Christmas lasted a little longer it was great.
The best present of all was the phone call from my little brother who was serving in South Africa. We had a hard time getting through but when we finally did it was good to talk to him. I think the sign of a good missionary is it had little to say to us. He is definitly focused on the mission.
Dan also rebuilt and fixed some saddle bags for Jake. Dan had a great time creating things for his boys.
Dan got this saddle and rebuilt it for Zeak. Zeak had no idea and was surprised and way excited.
Festival of Trees, compete with Hello Kitty make-up and animals.
Jake was surprised by vest, rope, and target for shooting
Zeak got a new rope and new overalls he was stoked.
Cousin's sportin' their Christmas Eve Pajamas. This was perhaps the best part of Christmas just being with the cousins. My kids truly love their cousins on both sides. Early in the month when I asked them what their favorite part of Christmas was it was unanimous they loved waiting with their cousins Christmas morning to see what Santa brought them. For the most part they all play well together. Zeak has girls on both sides his age but he is still friends with them. He and Kayla have a special bond that has change a bit due to their turning into awkward 11 and 12 year old kids. They are not teenagers but they are not little so what are they??? Tel thinks Zeak is better than Christmas. When we asked on Christmas Eve what the kids wanted Tel broke my heart when he said, I want Zeak to move to Dietrich. I hope Zeak can always be a good example and understands how much Tel looks up to him.

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