Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Friday Nights

Friday nights we have been roping in the barn. Last week it was 27 degrees and it is cold!!! My kids don't seem to mind the cold as much as I do. When pondering this I realized that they are so busy running and playing that they don't get cold. Me on the other hand I get cold so cold that I have to take a Tylenol to help with the pain when my teeth start to defrost. I inherited sensitive teeth from my father. It is hard to eat ice cream and ice because my teeth are so sensitive. I hate to go to the dentist just the air hurts my teeth. While pregnant I did train myself how to crunch ice with out hurting my teeth. None the less it still hurts to be in the cold for long periods of time.

Kaci traded her bumble the bull head for a new bull and cow. So not only did we rope but we branded the bull and cow as well. The bull is Kaci's so she got to brand him. I wonder why we do this? It is cold, cows stink and it is a lot of work. Dan reminds me we are raising kids. It makes them tough, they learn to handle hard situations, and they learn to work. We are together spending time as a family. So that is why we do this week after week. Rain or shine we are together raising kids and spending time together.

Someday I am going to have my own indoor barn with my house attatched that way we have the kitchen where we can cook and entertain, the bathroom right there so we don't have to run to Aunt Brenda's, and I can watch from the window when it is 27 degrees!

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