Wednesday, January 27, 2010

And the Winner is . . .

Tonight was Zeak's last pinewood derby. This was a pinewood derby like I have never been to. Last year Dan and I were privileged to put on the 6th ward pine wood derby and I am feeling really bad and want to apologize to them for not giving them a more professional deal. Ours was a handmade bracket that Casey Winn helped us with. There was no timers or laptop just a couple of Priesthood leaders as judges. I had no idea there was a computer bracketing system that did all of the figuring for you. I had no idea there was an electric eye used for anything besides barrel racing. Like all pinewood Derby's the dads were still more involved and competitive than the boys. Funny thing about the Woodlands is that Monday night while in Walmart. The Kay's asked if the car was ready for tonight. OOPS no car even started. So plan A just paint the block of wood yellow put wheels on it and turn it into a school bus. Plan B was to use the truck from last year and modify the wheels. Last night was weigh-ins at 5:00 pm so I being the good mom took the old truck with the wheels not attached and weighed in the truck. Today at lunch, "Did I say TODAY?" "Yes," Dan borrowed the Internet and looked up how to make a fast pinewood derby car. He then left with out much more than I will be home to help Zeak get this ready. At 5:30 Dan walked in with sand paper a drill and started shouting out orders. Get this do that ect ect. Pretty soon I am saying we need to go it is time. At 6:40 ten minuets late I finally get the family in the car and head to the church. Well whatever Dan read worked. We had 3 heats the first heat he won and his time was 6 secs the 2nd heat he took second and his time was in the 5 secs the 3rd heat he won and moved to the 4 secs. So here we are in the finally heat to determine the placings. Zeak came in 1st with a time of 3.407. They were really excited and the Kay's were wondering how we got a winning car built so fast. Well the secret is . . . it is a truck not a car and it has something to do with 3 legs are better than 4. Tyler, he swears it has nothing to do with KY jelly! If you want tips and advice talk to Dan I am just the mom that makes sure we get to where we are suppose to be fashionably LATE! Camera in hand only to document it from her point of few. Glad you were successful tonight Zeak. Just remember, Before everything else, getting ready is the secret of success. -Henry Ford
May I suggest procrastination is not the key to success. Trust me I know.
Love You Both


Tina said...

His LAST pinewood derby? When did he grow up? Great pictures, Mom:) I love this post!

Tina Williams said...

Congratulations Zeak! I'm quite sure his truck is NOT aerodynamic so I'm leaning towards Tyler's theory of a secret sauce ; ) Google is powerful, Andy always says, "I'm as smart as Google."

I'm also glad the electric eye was working, it wasn't in too good of shape after our ward had the "no rules" derby.

Tina Williams said...

By the way -- who is the second Tina in your life -- I thought I was the one and only -- Now I'm jealous -- JK

rylissite said...

wow! I'm not in charge of the derby (thank goodness) but being in the district presidency, I have to be there for all the registration and weighing etc. Our boys have to use a specific kit with specific wheels, and holy cow the rules and regs are so strict! I get to go do all of that tomorrow morning. I'm sure it will be more exciting when Corben is actually a part of it. Congrats! I love the trophy, what a good idea!