This has been going on and now it is starting to make me wonder where I have failed. If she is like this at three what will she be like at 16??? The other day she told me she hated me and her cloths and her hair. When Dan tried talking to her she said she thought that my hair and clothes were ugly. So now I am really getting concerned. Is this just a stage or is she just spoiled rotten. Probably, the ladder of the two. Today at Wal Mart she got mad at something and blurted out I hate you I want a new mom. I nice lady said, "oh sweetie you don't hate your mom that is a naughty thing to say." Embarrassed I said, "thanks" and went on my way. When I got in the car I said Kaci if you really hate your mom I can look for you a new mom. Silence... Then she said ok I want Ange. Sooooo Ange if you are game she is all yours. She does usually apologize sooner not later. Tonight before bed after driving home in the most horrible snow storm ever we had prayer and everyone went to bed. Kaci said mom I'm sorry so we talked about what hate means, "It means fighting" So in her mind Hate means fighting. I told her their was a new rule at our house we couldn't say Hate anymore because it makes mom feel bad. If we say it to other people it makes them feel bad too. She said that I could put her in time out if she says it again. No spanking, no washing her mouth out with soap just timeout. Then she gave me a hug and said she was sorry and that she loves me. I really hope this is just a stage and I haven't ruined her already.
So before tomorrow and her putting me in time out for saying Hate.
I Hate driving in Snow storms
I Hate SUVS and Semis who think they can drive in snow storms
I Hate What the snow does to my car.
I Hate not being able to see my mirrors
I Hate not being able to see through my windshield
and I Hate slush !!!!
Dan and I had to meet with a customer in Fillmore tonight and help my parents tape their house so we can texture and paint. As I left Mona at 3:45 it was looking like snow. At 5:35 it was a blizzard in Fillmore and at 7:44 I was wishing I was home in front of the fireplace. I do much better with Dan behind the wheel than me. Since, we had to vehicles he was behind me because he wanted to be able to help if there was a problem. It was horrible and to be honest I was scared to death. If I could have just worried about me and the snow I would have been fine but it was all of the rude Semis that fly past you like it is July and 100 degrees outside. Then the SUVS that think their car has wings instead of wheels. But Jake said a prayer and sang primary songs all the way home so we made it.
This was my mirror that had so much snow and ice I couldn't see out of it. My windshield looked like that a good portion of the way home as well. I will need new windshield wipers after this. I can deal with this much easier than needing a new car. Definitely grateful for being blessed tonight and that I am home warm, safe, and blogging!:)
you are a great mom lisa! i'm sure kaci will grow out of it but at least your blogging about it so she can read all about it later :)
Lisa, I told Brenda to tell you not to drive home in the storm. I had just come home for Payson when you called her it was not fun driving in it. Hopefully it is the last major storm for the season. I feel the same way about the stupid snow and driving in it I HATE IT.
Don't worry you only have one girl, and she will grow up. Soon enough she will only like one pair of pants and only want to wear that pair of pants everyday, dirty or clean. Does it get easier, oh nope only different!!!! Girls are great fun, Kyleigh keeps me on the edge of my seat most of the time. WW
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