Monday, April 19, 2010

Old McDonald's Mom???

I had no idea when I had this little boy 7 years ago that the farm would come with him. I can't wait to see where life takes him and what profession he chooses. From a very young age he has loved animals. When he was 3 he asked for a a whale. I told him he couldn't have a whale, they were as big as our house and they needed to live in the ocean. He said, "maybe Dave (Cattoor) could dig us a big hole and we could fill it with water." Soon I convinced him this was not possible so his next request was an incubator. That was different birthday request for a 3 year old boy but, doable. Dan questioned me then and I had to remind him that we had steers and horses for Zeak what was the difference? At age 4 we got the chicken coop and a few chickens. Age 7 a pony not that we don't already have 4 full size horses, 8 roping steers (4 babies due any day,) 2 show steers, 3 dogs, 2 cats, a coop full of chickens, a cage full of chicks, we have had several goats, and now we have 2 DUCKS! I am not at all happy about this latest addition to our farm. They are messy, they stink, we already have chicks... ugh!!! I'm sure you are all thinking don't you already stink with all of those animals what can two little ducks hurt? I DIDN'T want to be Old McDonald's wife, mom, or daughter. This was not my life long dream.
So how did this happen? Dan made Jake a deal that if he worked really hard at the scout service project Saturday then, he would buy him something. Ice cream would have been great don't you think? But, no when Dan asked what he wanted Jake said, "Ducks!" (I am sure he had the most mischievous grin on his face as he said it knowing that he had manipulated his way into getting ducks.) Dan's response, " hun my hands were tied he worked harder than most of the grown men that were there. " Jake tells me he will take care of them and clean up after them. He drew a picture of the duck pen and pool for him and his dad to build and he claims they will eat all of the bugs in my garden. I am amazed at his knowledge of animals and how to take care of them at such a young age. So I guess I will learn along with him and Find Joy in the Journey of being Old McDonald's mom. If the bugs get bad and you need to borrow our ducks for a few days Jake will rent them out but, I must warn you he comes with the ducks!


suzy said...

Ashlyn will love to see those ducks. But we will not be borrowing them.

Tina Williams said...

Pigs and sheep seem to be the only things you are missing. Maybe I could work on an early graduation present. You are a great farmer. I'm not willing to go hang out with the horses in the middle of a snow storm. You amaze me with you willingness to serve your family AND your animals.