Sunday, November 29, 2009

The End and the Begining

At the Woodland house my kids don't know they have Birthday's. It seems as if we have birthweeks! We started celebrating Kaci's Birthday on the 13th when we took her to Disney Princess on Ice. The actual day of her Birth we had so much going on trying to get ready for Thanksgiving that I was rushing to get things ready and Grandma Sperry volunteered the leftover cake from Aunt Diane's wedding. Kaci thought it was great she added polka-dot sprinkles to it. Then we got the BIG Present the next morning before leaving for St George. We got a pony named Blue for Jake and Kaci. This is their Christmas and Birthday combined. While in St George we celebrated all of the NOV and DEC Birthdays so once again we had another party. So we bring Kaci's Celebrating to a close and we begin Jake's Starting with the pony. Today while visiting with the Berezay's he informed us all that his Birthday starts on Friday (the 1st day of the National Finals Rodeo) and will end in 10 days so Sunday the 13th the last day of the NFR. I have no idea who started Birthweeks but how do you break that tradition? I like to say they are LOVED LOTs not sPoiLed. With the Hustle and Bustle of the Holidays I guess it is just one big celebration. How grateful I am for them and that they just extend our reason for celebrating.

Jake's first ride on Blue turned out to be a little more than he bargained for. They delivered him to us Thursday morning we loaded him in the trailer with strange horses and took him to St George. When we got their the kids were so excited they unloaded him and just started mauling him. Pretty soon they were all climbing on him and the next thing I new kids were flying. So we learned some lessons even though little he is still a horse and can buck. The next day he went on a horse ride with Aunt Kathryn, Uncle Jeff, Grandpa, Dad, Zeak, Uncle Lance, Brett, and Carson. Jake and Blue did great no bucking.
Kaci and Sparkles meeting Blue. She already loves him and prays for her pony Blue and her puppy Sparkles. What more does a girl need???

1 comment:

Tina Williams said...

How adorable! I love your new background. Wow, what are you guys going to do without TV and the national finals? Andy is already starting to stress out that the Olympics are going to be on and we aren't going to be able to watch them . . .