Monday, January 19, 2009

Draper Temple Open House

Our usual Saturday activity is the boys go roping for most of the day and Kaci and I stay home.   I'm not sure what we do but we are usually at home.   I asked the boys if they would spend the day with me and Kaci instead of roping I didn't get to much resistance in fact they enjoyed the day.  The lines were a little long but the kids did really well.    Zeak asked a lot of questions some Dan and I could answer and some we didn't know how to answer.   Jake said it was awesome.  Kaci was a good sport considering the lines  I think she was to young to really understand.

After we watched a video at the church house they loaded everyone on a bus and took us up to the temple.  The kids were really excited to  ride the bus. They thought that was really fun.

All of the kids like this picture.  They said it looks like Christ is putting his arms around us.  I'm glad that we took the day and did something fun as a family.   It was a good teaching moment and learning experience.   A good change of pace from the arena.   Not to worry they got their riding in this week.  I think that it is sometimes hard to juggle and balance between all the good things in life.  Rodeo is something we love and are passionate about.   We also love the gospel and know living it is what brings are family great joy and peace.   We are grateful we live in a country where we are free to worship and free to choose our extra curricular activities.  I firmly believe that if I live a righteous life and do my best that I will have the things I love in Heaven,  Family, Rodeo, scrapbooking (family history), ect.   That is what I tell Zeak if he does what is right here he might not ever make it to the NFR but he will make it to the Heavenly NFR which will be bigger and better than any earthly rodeo.   It may sound crazy but I truly believe this.  We don't have and learn all of these things on earth to have them taken away in the next life, it is just making it to the next life.   So I will just keep trying to teach my kids and do my best to live righteously.  Being human gets in the way but that is why we go to church and the temple.  I am glad that we don't have to be perfect just constantly  striving to be good.

This is a really neat video that says it better than I can.   My family highly recommends this experience to everyone.  You don't have to be a member to go everyone is welcome.

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