Saturday, June 11, 2011

Family Belonging to and Believing In. . .

Dan and I were privileged to be a Ma & Pa on the Trek for Youth Conference. What an amazing experience. I miss being with the youth. Our experience was so amazing and something I would love to share but I don't feel like my blog where everyone can read it is the place to share it. The moments and the memories are very sacred and I want to keep that sacred spirit just that. So for anyone reading this, know that I am forever grateful to the pioneers for blazing the trail for us. Their example of strength and faith is one I will try to keep alive as I raise pioneers of today! You can see that our family increased from the beginning to the end and I Love Each of these kids as if they were my own. What an amazing week for me spiritually.


Tina Williams said...

Mittens in June. We are so pampered. They didn't even have coats in November.

We made it to the movie last night and I really enjoyed it. I'm so blessed to not have that as my trial.

Glad you had fun --

Marie Says Yes said...

what IS it about working with the youth that is so amazing!?
trekking -- yikes. i fear it. but it is obviously not something to be feared! so glad you had such a good time.