Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Where did December Go?

Where did the month go? This is a long photo catch up!

I was lucky to participate in a Relief Society Lesson. We took live photos dipicting the Nativity. It was an awesome experience.
The kids got a special letter and package from Santa Clause to start off the Month.
Let the decorating begin. Dan hung all the lights Thanks Mr Grinch! Christmas wouldn't be the same with out ya, and the lights are one of my favorite parts of Christmas. Hadley Hoffman spent a lot of time with us this month. Sorry her grandma was hurt but glad to add her to our family.
Traditional NFR/Chinese Night with the Berezay's and Durbins. Love this Family to peices!
The Man in the Big Red Suit...
SNow Angels!!!

Dance recital at Heritage Hills. Kaci Loves Performing.
Family Night with the William's we went shopping for Sub for Santa, had dinner, and went Caroling. We decided we had so much and as friends what better gift than to give to others this Christmas season. The kids had a great time shopping and then visiting neighbors in Mona. This is an amazing Village that Max loves to share with everyone young and old. What a fun tradition of sharing and giving. We are grateful for all that we have most especially our dear friends. Love You.
Dan's Aunt Lee and Uncle Art have added us to their family Christmas party it is becoming a fun tradition for us. They are so giving.
Grandma and Grandpa Lou's Christmas Party was fun this year with Gingerbread houses and breakfast. Life was a lot crazy for them this year thanks Grandma for fitting us in. We Love you!

More fun in the snow
Mona loves Tradition. The Christmas Operetta was another sucess. The Boys did great, Jake didn't get to do his part they cut it out last minute but he was prepared and would have done great. Zeak did awesome! We made a new tradition this year that we all loved. We sang a Christmas song every night. The kids loved this and we took turns choosing our favorite carols. This gave me a great chance to play again. Christmas isn't as magical if you don't have the music.
Making Candies at Durbin's Yummy!
A disappointed wrestler wanting a match and not one wanting to wrestle. We drove to Fillmore and Zeak was pretty bummed he didn't get a match. They ended up getting him 2 at the very end. He lost both matches. Then next night he went to Delta and redeemed himself winning both matches. He is loving wrestling!
Kaci has been sick every Christmas her whole life. This year we caught it early enough she was not so sick Christmas morning. Instead she shared with her mom and I was sick Christmas Morning. Thanks Sweetie Love Ya.
Delivering Gifts is a fun tradition. Dressing up might have been added to the fun this Christmas.
What a Month and I think we got it all in. Wahoo! Hope yours was as fun packed as ours.

1 comment:

Tina Williams said...

Neat pictures Lisa and a great idea for a post. Maybe I should try and add the same sort of thing . . . I'm glad the holidays are over and miss it a the same time. I keep wondering if life will ever get back to normal but when exactly was normal? Thanks for all you do for us! Tina