Sunday, December 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Jaker Man

Jake turned seven yesterday. He is very special to our family. Jake thinks his birthday is a 10 day deal. It starts the same day at the NFR and ends the day of his birthday or the last day of the NFR which ever one comes last. This has become a huge tradition for our family to watch the NFR with family and friends. This year he asked for 2 things first his pony that he got Thanksgiving day and to watch the NFR with Grandma and Grandpa Berzay and the Durbin's. He didn't want me decorating his cupcakes this year because I put coconut on them last year. So I decided it was his birthday and that was one less thing I had to do. Jake is a kind hearted boy, he loves school and learning, he is so excited to read and get new books, He loves the animals and has really taken to rodeo. I didn't know if he would or not but he really loves competing. He is a big competitor. He loves improving and winning. His favorite event is Goat Tying and his goal is to beat his big brother (he is not very far watch out Zeak!) He is very sentimental and treasures presents from friends and family but most of all he loves being with them. We LoVe you Jake and LOVE spending time with you. Thanks for making us all laugh and keeping us on our toes. Hope you had a Happy Birthday!


Tina Williams said...

Jake - what an awesome picture of yourself! Happy Birthday from our house as well! We love having Jake around even when him and Keanna think they need to spend their time holding hands. We think he is an awesome kid!

Brandi said...

Cute! Happy Birthday Jake! Love your kids, love your family!

Jense Family said...

I love the first picture of ya Jake. Happy Holidays Woodland family. Give us a call if you ever get down this way!