Tuesday, February 2, 2010

If I don't practice everyday. . .

Yesterday morning while I was getting Kaci Fae ready for dancing she finally let me do her hair and she loved it. It looks so cute when she lets me do it. So I had to hurry and take a picture. I am glad I did because she came home singing the cutest song.

I will practice everyday
because that is what my tap shoes say
if I don't practice everyday
my shoes will run away

clippty clop clippty clop
clippty clop clop clop
they'll run away and never stop

Oh I want my tap shoes to stay
so I will practice everyday.


Woodlands said...

She is so stinkin cute. Got to love her. She looks adorable.

suzy said...

Kaci sure has a cute mind of her own, but that is what we love about her.

Sara said...

Thank you for your REALLY nice comment on my blog! It was one of those days, and it made it lots better! I have to tell you when I subbed in Dave and Kaci's class, she was so cute! She was telling me how you had to get up so early to go to the temple, but it was so important so it was ok. She snuggled right into my lap. She knows how to make someone feel special!