Thursday, September 30, 2010

September Summary

Zeak and Rhett CUJR rodeo
Dan filling in as coach. If he ever needs another calling in life he could fill the shoes of a coach well. He is so amazing with the kids and lives for the competition. This game just happened to be a fierce rivalry of Dan and Jake vs Keanna and with the biggest "Looser" award being at stake (not from prime time television) the heat was on. Sadly we lost by one. It was a fun night and the most intense game of the year.

Camping in Vernal at the arena our first big Junior High Rodeo of the year.

Kaci and Dad working Tuff! She got up first thing, wanted her boots and wranglers so she could ride with her dad. This doesn't happen very often so when it does Dan is quick to take advantage of this precious father daughter moment.
Zeak and Rhett warming up we placed the first day bringing home a great check and missed the second day.
Back home for the CUJR finals. Uncle Cody was a huge supporter of Kaci and Blue or Tuff which ever one she chose that day. Sometime the choice was made for her because equipment was left home or Blue refused to leave the trailer.
After the Finals we all ended up at the Woodland residence for a BBQ. While the adults visited in the lounge chairs out back the kids still had enough energy for a friendly game of football.
Kaci had to wait until September for meet the teacher day and her first day of school. It nearly killed her. She was so excited and couldn't wait.
Junior High Rodeo in Nephi.
Jake running poles on Tuff. At the CUJR Finals.
Kaci and Josalyn were the lucky ones that got to go shopping with their moms.
First Day of school at the Apple Academy with Mrs. Blackett. We had a picnic lunch with Mason at his house after school.

Kaci played soccer well maybe just socialized and worked on her cheer leading skills. She loved being with the kids and thinking she was as old as Jake because she got to play soccer like him. Treats were her incentive to keep going. When it was our turn for treats we made pink caramel popcorn that everyone wanted and most moms devoured. Only Kaci would take a gourmet treat to a soccer game. Love that girl.
One of Dan's biggest dreams came true in September thanks to Troy Fackrell. He has always wanted a trailer load of hay dropped of at his house and September 2010 that simple dream came true.

We managed to fit in our annual Mona Pole rode with Tina and Andy I wish I had pictures of the colors they were absolutely gorgeous we just had to late a start to get pictures with good lighting.
Kaci and I got some canning in and Raspberry freezer jam was at the top of our list. We got 27 pints this year.

Jake decided one Saturday to take a ride up on Nebo and look at the gorgeous fall colors. We had so much fun driving, singing, taking photos, and exploring.

Our Buffalo was finally old enough to go back home. The boys were sad but he really couldn't stay. I think he really wanted to but I told the boys he was much different than a puppy he would grow up and cause a lot of stress to us and the farm. What an accomplishment that we saved and raised him. A once in a lifetime opportunity.
This is a redneck Pony trailer. Only Dan and Jake what more can I say.

A Baptism was a great excuse to make a trip to Dietrich Idaho. We played a little football and had a great time visiting with family our sleeping accommodations were a little rough and we ended up leaving bright and early Sunday morning tired and worn out. We started out in the trailer invaded by little mice, moved to the tramp where we froze to death and ended up sleeping in the front of the truck with the heater on. Wes it was worth the sacrifice to see you make the biggest most importance decision in your life we love you and our proud of you.
This is my newest purchase. He is an amazing animal and the story of how we ended up with him is amazing. Aaron Hall called Dan and started talking to him about this horse a few days went on and Aaron couldn't reach Dan but got a hold of me. After explaining his case to me I said just buy the horse I will wire you the money or do whatever I need to but go buy the horse. When Dan came home I told him to schedule in a trip to Parawon to pick up our new horse. This is probably the one and only purchase I could ever make like this with out causing a serious problem in our marriage. His name is M&M he is amazing and fits in our family well.

Our month started with rodeo, soccer, more rodeo, and a lot more soccer. We managed to throw in a BBQ and football game, shopping and crafts for the girls and some much needed family time.

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