Memorial Day 2012 Heaven looked down and this is the amazing view they saw. Three hundred plus people rallied together to help an amazing family in need. We had the 5th and under state finals
Friday and Saturday in which we had all of the concessions go toward the Winn's. Marni, Amy, and I ran the cook shack both days. Then Monday morning I met everyone there at 5:30am to start cooking breakfast. When I pulled into the arena and saw all of the trucks and trailers I knew it was going to be a good day. Jackie Boren, Amy Carter, Marni Shepherd, and Jerrilynn Winn and I ran the cook shack. We didn't see much of the roping or silent auction but when I went out for a minute I had to go back and get my camera. I was overwhelmed with with the view. So I went to the top of the bleachers so I get get the whole view. Tears rolled down my face as I realized that there was a call for help and this was the response. Everyone was having fun and everyone was here for the same purpose to serve one of our fellow beings. Throughout the day there were many tear filled experiences. I helped a young man not more than 19 or 20 when I went to give him his change he said keep it, it is for a good cause. Then I heard more than one story of how Wendy and Casey had helped someone in need. All week as we were getting donations people were more than generous. Mt Nebo Market donated to us and they don't donate to everyone. All of the meat and eggs were donated. It was very humbling for me to be involved in such a great project and know that there are still so many wonderful people in this world that want to do what is right.
I'm so happy my kids got to live first hand what we teach every Sunday in church! Zeak roped and gave his earning back to the Winn's. He didn't enter the Junior High Jackpot so that he would have money for Monday. What a fun memorial day for all involved.