Friday, December 30, 2011

Become More

I attend Time Out for Women twice this year and loved every minute of it. The theme was "Choose to Become." I have wrestled with this all year. With so many options and so many examples I was left confused and not knowing.

The other day I had an experience that left me knowing that for sure I needed to create a home that was safe, warm, and comfortable. A place where not only we want to be as a family but that others will want to be as well. I just read a blog that summarized my feelings so well. She had compared herself to everyone and everything around her. That is Satan's plan he wants us to be competitive. It was his competitiveness that landed him in the pickle he is in. I am so grateful that my Heavenly Father had another son with a different plan. He was the opposite of competitive. Jesus was so loving and compassionate that the Father chose his plan. Do you wonder if when Jesus presented his plan he fully comprehended what his plan would mean for him and all of us? It is so easy to list all of the things I am not. I am Not a writer, not organized, not stylish, not the best at anyone thing. Yet I am good and good and many things. I have a very kind tender heart. I am creative, a cook, can play the piano and organ, love to create and keep memories, I am a cowgirl, the list goes on and on.

In this blog post I just read the lady dares anyone to Become More with that dare I AM GOING TO BECOME MORE! I am going to become more in both my good areas and my not so good areas. I am going to Become More with out comparing myself to everyone and everything around me. Here is to 2012 and Becoming ME!

1 comment:

Raynz Photoz! said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this post!!!! Thank you for sharing!!!! We really need to get together! I LOVE your attitude and think the world of you!!! And I also LOOOVE your photoz, especially the one with you and your sweet little girl strikin' a pose!!! Happy New Year!!! :-)