Friday, August 20, 2010

Better start

Today was a much better start to a school day. Back Packs were loaded, bellies fed, teeth brushed, and out the door by 8:10 so they could ride their bikes. Love theses boys and I am excited to watch them grow this year. I have thought a lot lately about their safety and influences they might get in public school but still I feel this is the best place for them to grow and learn. I am in no way certified or smart enough to teach my children nor do I want to take on that responsibilities. I am so grateful for teachers and their role in the life of my children. I will just do my best as a mom to arm them with the gospel so that when (not if) evil faces them hopefully they will be strong enough to defeat it.

1 comment:

suzy said...

I miss the days when life was easy and you could ride your bike to school. I hope they enjoy their new year in school.