Payson Temple Ground Breaking |
Deer Hunt Weekend |
Grandma Lou annual Halloween Party |
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Kaci friend Halloween Party |
Halloween Day with the Durbins |
Jake's Pumpkin grown with lots of Love from Grandpa Miller |
First Snow Storm |
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Jake's Oops |
October was so full. There was a week or so where time seemed to stand still. We lost our beloved friend Grandpa Don. I have never felt the abundance of the spirit as I have felt this month. It started with an amazing opportunity and experience Dan and I had to attend the ground breaking of the Payson Temple. Our amazing Bishop Mark Drake offered tickets to Dan and I we also had the privilege of riding up with him and his wife and Dan's parents. I am so excited to have the temple so close. I will be able to drop the kids off at school and do a session before they get home from school. I am hoping there are some amazing opportunities for our family to help with the process of the temple dedication. This is a true blessing to our community.
The week after the temple dedication is when time stood still. I will save the details and experiences for another post.
Kaci and I got to go on our annual girls deer hunt weekend with Grandma Nelson this is always a fun weekend full of crafts and shopping.
Early this spring I got a phone call from Grandpa Miller. He had just purchased some large pumpkin seeds and large strawberry plants. He sent Jake some seeds and ours didn't work but grandpa's did. So we drove up and listened to General Conference and had dinner with grandma and grandpa. Grandpa gave Jake the biggest pumpkin in the patch. It was so fun to have it on our front porch.
Mona is getting a new sewer system. Our streets have been tore up and closed most of the year. This month was our roads turn. They had to cut the sidewalks at our house and Woolslayers. Just before school was out they poured and put the first finish on the sidewalks. Jake wasn't paying attention and to his defense they didn't really mark it well saying it was wet and he stepped right in it. Two foot prints when he realized it was still wet. He came in the door in complete tears. I thought someone had died by the way he was acting. When he calmed down enough to tell me, I burst into laughter. Zeak felt really bad for him and said, "mom I know how to finish the concrete I will go get dad's tools and fix it. " The men working on the sidewalk saw the boys fixing it but didn't come over to see what was going on they just watched from the corner. Not that I know anything about concrete but I must say I was a proud mom watching my boys fix Jake's mistake and the fact that it looked better than the original was awesome.
Kaci wanted to have a Halloween party with her dancing friends. We dropped Kyler off on our way to dancing and they invited him so after dancing we picked him up to come to the party. It was fun we made paper plate pumpkins, and spider cupcakes.
Towards the end of the month we had our annual Halloween party with Grandma Lou we carve pumpkins and have a fun dinner. This is a fun tradition that I always look forward to. My kids have gotten to the point that as long as we get in a pumpkin carving party with grandma Lou then we don't need to go trick-or-treating. It is fun to see the creativity and individuality show through.
We also got to have another pumpkin party with Grandma Janice. They finally needed a little break from cows and packing. We need to have a little fun and celebrating. I love the fun memories we are creating with our kids and the special grandmas in their lives.